Can you deliver the exact product as shown in the demo?
Yes. We always deliver high quality products as shown in the demo.
PROCESS IN Ltd. - Best Web, Software & Mobile App Development Company
Yes. We always deliver high quality products as shown in the demo.
Operating System Linux Apache Web Server MySQL for Database PHP version 5.6 & Above
Our company has a wide range of products as well as web solutions. We make use of advanced web technologies and offer highly competitive pricing. Subsequent to it we provide reliable business development and customer support, hence, we remain as
We maintain ‘up front’ and ‘milestone basis’ terms to make payments for our products and customization process.
Our rates are highly competitive. Our product customization rates start from $50 per hour and customer support rates range from $20 per hour. These rates may change according to the complexity of tasks clients assign us.
We provide free installation service. If you want to install yourself please follow the steps in our documentation. Still, if you want us to install it, you need to contact our support and submit your cPanel credentials.
Yes, We do provide maintenance and services after the delivery. We maintain various levels of pricing and slabs.
Yes, We do provide three months free technical support.
Yes, the scripts are all flexible, and adaptable. Clients can customize our codes according to their requirements.