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PROCESS IN Ltd. - Best Web, Software & Mobile App Development Company

Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the charles.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract charles.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select charles.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Charles’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Charles’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘charles>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Charles Core’, ‘Elementor’ and ‘Piklist’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

System Requirements

To use Charles you need to have a WordPress 4.0 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.4 or more running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link.

Some more resources from WordPress Codex:

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the charles.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract charles.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select charles.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and set the menu button, navigation bar settings etc.

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image OptimizerCW Image OptimizerImsanity and Hammy and Compress JPEG & PNG images

Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Theme updating issue

Sometimes, your website may break when you update the new version of the theme.

You have to delete the Charles core plugin before installing the updated theme in this case. Then install the plugin again from Appearance > Install plugins after installing the new version.

This is a doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet


Before you try to install Index24, make sure your environment meets the following requirements.

Make sure you disable ModSecurity if it’s enabled on your server.


PHP 7.0+ Linux/unix web-server.
Apache 2.4+ If you want to install on other servers like NGINX, an nginx.conf file is available.
MySQL 5.6+MySQL server with root access
curl PHP Extension
pdo_mysql PHP Extension
mbstring PHP Extension
dom PHP Extension
fileinfo PHP Extension

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Charles’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Charles’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘charles>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

How to (FAQs)

Harum proident? Volutpat sint. Dicta. Eleifend, distinctio placeat nec commodo asperiores posuere fusce illo, adipiscing leo velit ipsum. Mauris enim itaque penatibus, consectetur fermentum, vel temporibus interdum

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


How to apply custom CSS code.

You can apply your own custom CSS code on Charles theme. Your custom CSS code will not be lost even if you update the theme.

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

Take a look at the screenshots-

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


Voluptatibus massa tempor

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

Example doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

index24 Documentation

Index24 – Google News Clone is an automated news aggregator, that can import latest content from unlimited RSS feeds. With no-cost Google CSE based search engine that searches different portions of the web. Including different types of search sections, like web, videos, torrents even subtitles and passive income from Google Adsense. No API keys are needed.


Before you try to install Index24, make sure your environment meets the following requirements.

Make sure you disable ModSecurity if it’s enabled on your server.


PHP 7.0+ Linux/unix web-server.
Apache 2.4+ If you want to install on other servers like NGINX, an nginx.conf file is available.
MySQL 5.6+MySQL server with root access
curl PHP Extension
pdo_mysql PHP Extension
mbstring PHP Extension
dom PHP Extension
fileinfo PHP Extension

Creating a Database

First thing you need to do before installing Index24 is to create a new database on your MySQL server. The database must be created under a MySQL user that has full permissions. If you already know how to do this or have already created one you can skip to the next step. But make sure you have noted the following details:

1. Database Name – The one you just created

2. MySQL Host – Usually it defaults to or localhost, but if that doesn’t work you need to contact your hosting provider.

3. MySQL Username – The username of which you’ve created the database.

4. MySQL Password – The password for the MySQL user

Creating MySQL database from standard cPanel. Your scenario may vary.


Uploading files

To install Index24 scripts, first of all you need to upload the files that are in the `install-file->Index24` folder to your server.

How to upload Index24 Scripts to server?

  • Upload all files & folders located inside `install-file->Index24` folder to your server

Please note that you do not need to upload the `install-file->Index24` folder itself, but only its contents, including folders, as shown below:

  • Open your browser, (Google Chrome is recommended).
  • Go to http://www.your-site.com/install

Customizing the site

You can change the site name, description, logo and other basic information by navigating to: Settings > General from the dashboard.

To customize even more specific features like how many items will be shown and other frontend aspects that directly affect the site you will need to go to: Settings > Site from the dashboard.


Manage Engines

To Manage Engines go to Dashboard > Engines

And change the Google Custom Search IDs of the engines to the following new values:

Web – 34eef687ce269487c
Images – 954a56c1e00db57aa
Videos – 530b5e7ca4f8045d4
News – b16521454a1884f6a
Torrents – 6ff7034d0894868ee
Subtitles – 93314d2add702dbab


Adding new Engines

Engines are mainly different Google Custom Search Engines created by you. Index24 already comes with 5 preloaded engines. However, you may add as many engines you want. To add new engine first you will need a Google Custom Search Engine ID.

To add new engines go to Dashboard > Engines and click the Create button.

Manage Feeds

To add new engines go to Dashboard > Content > Feeds and click the Create button.

Google AdSense Monetization

Earn money from your site

Millions of advertisers compete for your ad space. That means more money, more relevant ads, and more ad spaces filled.

Ads optimized for mobile

Our script can optimize the size of your ad units to automatically fit desktop or mobile, meaning there’s more chance they’ll be seen and clicked.

Add Code

Add one piece of code to your site and Google will automatically show ads tailored to your site’s layout, saving you time making changes to ad code.

To add code from google AdSense or other ads units provider go to Dashboard > Settings > Advertisement and insert AdCode.

Setting up cron-job

Important: You must setup the cron-job, otherwise Index24 won’t work properly. The automatic time based tasks won’t work either.

To setup the cron job first you will need to get the cron command from the dashboard by going to Settings > Debugging. Once you have the cron command copy it and setup the cron job from your cPanel.


Note: If you re-generate the cron-token from the debugging page, you will need to update your cron command again from the cPanel. Since, regenerating the cron token will make the previous command invalid.



Language files should be and are located at site/themes/default/languages folder.

To create a new translation, copy existing translation file, and use these locale name create your own locale file. For example for English(UK), create a new directory named “en_UK”, copy the en_US.php file and paste on the “en_UK” folder and rename as “en_UK.php”, then start editing. Please note if you don’t use the locale name given here for the locale directory/file name, it won’t work.

So basically translation files should look like this: (Case sensitive)

  • <LOCALE>/<LOCALE>.php
  • en_US/en_US.php
  • bn_BD/bn_BD.php

Supported Locales

af_NA – Afrikaans (Namibia)af_ZA – Afrikaans (South Africa)af – Afrikaansak_GH – Akan (Ghana)ak – Akansq_AL – Albanian (Albania)sq – Albanianam_ET – Amharic (Ethiopia)am – Amharicar_DZ – Arabic (Algeria)ar_BH – Arabic (Bahrain)ar_EG – Arabic (Egypt)ar_IQ – Arabic (Iraq)ar_JO – Arabic (Jordan)ar_KW – Arabic (Kuwait)ar_LB – Arabic (Lebanon)ar_LY – Arabic (Libya)ar_MA – Arabic (Morocco)ar_OM – Arabic (Oman)ar_QA – Arabic (Qatar)ar_SA – Arabic (Saudi Arabia)ar_SD – Arabic (Sudan)ar_SY – Arabic (Syria)ar_TN – Arabic (Tunisia)ar_AE – Arabic (United Arab Emirates)ar_YE – Arabic (Yemen)ar – Arabichy_AM – Armenian (Armenia)hy – Armenianas_IN – Assamese (India)as – Assameseasa_TZ – Asu (Tanzania)asa – Asuaz_Cyrl – Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)az_Cyrl_AZ – Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)az_Latn – Azerbaijani (Latin)az_Latn_AZ – Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)az – Azerbaijanibm_ML – Bambara (Mali)bm – Bambaraeu_ES – Basque (Spain)eu – Basquebe_BY – Belarusian (Belarus)be – Belarusianbem_ZM – Bemba (Zambia)bem – Bembabez_TZ – Bena (Tanzania)bez – Benabn_BD – Bengali (Bangladesh)bn_IN – Bengali (India)bn – Bengalibs_BA – Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)bs – Bosnianbg_BG – Bulgarian (Bulgaria)bg – Bulgarianmy_MM – Burmese (Myanmar [Burma])my – Burmeseyue_Hant_HK – Cantonese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR China)ca_ES – Catalan (Spain)ca – Catalantzm_Latn – Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin)tzm_Latn_MA – Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin, Morocco)tzm – Central Morocco Tamazightchr_US – Cherokee (United States)chr – Cherokeecgg_UG – Chiga (Uganda)cgg – Chigazh_Hans – Chinese (Simplified Han)zh_Hans_CN – Chinese (Simplified Han, China)zh_Hans_HK – Chinese (Simplified Han, Hong Kong SAR China)zh_Hans_MO – Chinese (Simplified Han, Macau SAR China)zh_Hans_SG – Chinese (Simplified Han, Singapore)zh_Hant – Chinese (Traditional Han)zh_Hant_HK – Chinese (Traditional Han, Hong Kong SAR China)zh_Hant_MO – Chinese (Traditional Han, Macau SAR China)zh_Hant_TW – Chinese (Traditional Han, Taiwan)zh – Chinesekw_GB – Cornish (United Kingdom)kw – Cornishhr_HR – Croatian (Croatia)hr – Croatiancs_CZ – Czech (Czech Republic)cs – Czechda_DK – Danish (Denmark)da – Danishnl_BE – Dutch (Belgium)nl_NL – Dutch (Netherlands)nl – Dutchebu_KE – Embu (Kenya)ebu – Embuen_AS – English (American Samoa)en_AU – English (Australia)en_BE – English (Belgium)en_BZ – English (Belize)en_BW – English (Botswana)en_CA – English (Canada)en_GU – English (Guam)en_HK – English (Hong Kong SAR China)en_IN – English (India)en_IE – English (Ireland)en_IL – English (Israel)en_JM – English (Jamaica)en_MT – English (Malta)en_MH – English (Marshall Islands)en_MU – English (Mauritius)en_NA – English (Namibia)en_NZ – English (New Zealand)en_MP – English (Northern Mariana Islands)en_PK – English (Pakistan)en_PH – English (Philippines)en_SG – English (Singapore)en_ZA – English (South Africa)en_TT – English (Trinidad and Tobago)en_UM – English (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands)en_VI – English (U.S. Virgin Islands)en_GB – English (United Kingdom)en_US – English (United States)en_ZW – English (Zimbabwe)en – Englisheo – Esperantoet_EE – Estonian (Estonia)et – Estonianee_GH – Ewe (Ghana)ee_TG – Ewe (Togo)ee – Ewefo_FO – Faroese (Faroe Islands)fo – Faroesefil_PH – Filipino (Philippines)fil – Filipinofi_FI – Finnish (Finland)fi – Finnishfr_BE – French (Belgium)fr_BJ – French (Benin)fr_BF – French (Burkina Faso)fr_BI – French (Burundi)fr_CM – French (Cameroon)fr_CA – French (Canada)fr_CF – French (Central African Republic)fr_TD – French (Chad)fr_KM – French (Comoros)fr_CG – French (Congo – Brazzaville)fr_CD – French (Congo – Kinshasa)fr_CI – French (Côte d’Ivoire)fr_DJ – French (Djibouti)fr_GQ – French (Equatorial Guinea)fr_FR – French (France)fr_GA – French (Gabon)fr_GP – French (Guadeloupe)fr_GN – French (Guinea)fr_LU – French (Luxembourg)fr_MG – French (Madagascar)fr_ML – French (Mali)fr_MQ – French (Martinique)fr_MC – French (Monaco)fr_NE – French (Niger)fr_RW – French (Rwanda)fr_RE – French (Réunion)fr_BL – French (Saint Barthélemy)fr_MF – French (Saint Martin)fr_SN – French (Senegal)fr_CH – French (Switzerland)fr_TG – French (Togo)fr – Frenchff_SN – Fulah (Senegal)ff – Fulahgl_ES – Galician (Spain)gl – Galicianlg_UG – Ganda (Uganda)lg – Gandaka_GE – Georgian (Georgia)ka – Georgiande_AT – German (Austria)de_BE – German (Belgium)de_DE – German (Germany)de_LI – German (Liechtenstein)de_LU – German (Luxembourg)de_CH – German (Switzerland)de – Germanel_CY – Greek (Cyprus)el_GR – Greek (Greece)el – Greekgu_IN – Gujarati (India)gu – Gujaratiguz_KE – Gusii (Kenya)guz – Gusiiha_Latn – Hausa (Latin)ha_Latn_GH – Hausa (Latin, Ghana)ha_Latn_NE – Hausa (Latin, Niger)ha_Latn_NG – Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)ha – Hausahaw_US – Hawaiian (United States)haw – Hawaiianhe_IL – Hebrew (Israel)he – Hebrewhi_IN – Hindi (India)hi – Hindihu_HU – Hungarian (Hungary)hu – Hungarianis_IS – Icelandic (Iceland)is – Icelandicig_NG – Igbo (Nigeria)ig – Igboid_ID – Indonesian (Indonesia)id – Indonesianga_IE – Irish (Ireland)ga – Irishit_IT – Italian (Italy)it_CH – Italian (Switzerland)it – Italianja_JP – Japanese (Japan)ja – Japanesekea_CV – Kabuverdianu (Cape Verde)kea – Kabuverdianukab_DZ – Kabyle (Algeria)kab – Kabylekl_GL – Kalaallisut (Greenland)kl – Kalaallisutkln_KE – Kalenjin (Kenya)kln – Kalenjinkam_KE – Kamba (Kenya)kam – Kambakn_IN – Kannada (India)kn – Kannadakk_Cyrl – Kazakh (Cyrillic)kk_Cyrl_KZ – Kazakh (Cyrillic, Kazakhstan)kk – Kazakhkm_KH – Khmer (Cambodia)km – Khmerki_KE – Kikuyu (Kenya)ki – Kikuyurw_RW – Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)rw – Kinyarwandakok_IN – Konkani (India)kok – Konkaniko_KR – Korean (South Korea)ko – Koreankhq_ML – Koyra Chiini (Mali)khq – Koyra Chiinises_ML – Koyraboro Senni (Mali)ses – Koyraboro Sennilag_TZ – Langi (Tanzania)lag – Langilv_LV – Latvian (Latvia)lv – Latvianlt_LT – Lithuanian (Lithuania)lt – Lithuanianluo_KE – Luo (Kenya)luo – Luoluy_KE – Luyia (Kenya)luy – Luyiamk_MK – Macedonian (Macedonia)mk – Macedonianjmc_TZ – Machame (Tanzania)jmc – Machamekde_TZ – Makonde (Tanzania)kde – Makondemg_MG – Malagasy (Madagascar)mg – Malagasyms_BN – Malay (Brunei)ms_MY – Malay (Malaysia)ms – Malayml_IN – Malayalam (India)ml – Malayalammt_MT – Maltese (Malta)mt – Maltesegv_GB – Manx (United Kingdom)gv – Manxmr_IN – Marathi (India)mr – Marathimas_KE – Masai (Kenya)mas_TZ – Masai (Tanzania)mas – Masaimer_KE – Meru (Kenya)mer – Merumfe_MU – Morisyen (Mauritius)mfe – Morisyennaq_NA – Nama (Namibia)naq – Namane_IN – Nepali (India)ne_NP – Nepali (Nepal)ne – Nepalind_ZW – North Ndebele (Zimbabwe)nd – North Ndebelenb_NO – Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)nb – Norwegian Bokmålnn_NO – Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)nn – Norwegian Nynorsknyn_UG – Nyankole (Uganda)nyn – Nyankoleor_IN – Oriya (India)or – Oriyaom_ET – Oromo (Ethiopia)om_KE – Oromo (Kenya)om – Oromops_AF – Pashto (Afghanistan)ps – Pashtofa_AF – Persian (Afghanistan)fa_IR – Persian (Iran)fa – Persianpl_PL – Polish (Poland)pl – Polishpt_BR – Portuguese (Brazil)pt_GW – Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau)pt_MZ – Portuguese (Mozambique)pt_PT – Portuguese (Portugal)pt – Portuguesepa_Arab – Punjabi (Arabic)pa_Arab_PK – Punjabi (Arabic, Pakistan)pa_Guru – Punjabi (Gurmukhi)pa_Guru_IN – Punjabi (Gurmukhi, India)pa – Punjabiro_MD – Romanian (Moldova)ro_RO – Romanian (Romania)ro – Romanianrm_CH – Romansh (Switzerland)rm – Romanshrof_TZ – Rombo (Tanzania)rof – Romboru_MD – Russian (Moldova)ru_RU – Russian (Russia)ru_UA – Russian (Ukraine)ru – Russianrwk_TZ – Rwa (Tanzania)rwk – Rwasaq_KE – Samburu (Kenya)saq – Samburusg_CF – Sango (Central African Republic)sg – Sangoseh_MZ – Sena (Mozambique)seh – Senasr_Cyrl – Serbian (Cyrillic)sr_Cyrl_BA – Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)sr_Cyrl_ME – Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)sr_Cyrl_RS – Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)sr_Latn – Serbian (Latin)sr_Latn_BA – Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)sr_Latn_ME – Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)sr_Latn_RS – Serbian (Latin, Serbia)sr – Serbiansn_ZW – Shona (Zimbabwe)sn – Shonaii_CN – Sichuan Yi (China)ii – Sichuan Yisi_LK – Sinhala (Sri Lanka)si – Sinhalask_SK – Slovak (Slovakia)sk – Slovaksl_SI – Slovenian (Slovenia)sl – Slovenianxog_UG – Soga (Uganda)xog – Sogaso_DJ – Somali (Djibouti)so_ET – Somali (Ethiopia)so_KE – Somali (Kenya)so_SO – Somali (Somalia)so – Somalies_AR – Spanish (Argentina)es_BO – Spanish (Bolivia)es_CL – Spanish (Chile)es_CO – Spanish (Colombia)es_CR – Spanish (Costa Rica)es_DO – Spanish (Dominican Republic)es_EC – Spanish (Ecuador)es_SV – Spanish (El Salvador)es_GQ – Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)es_GT – Spanish (Guatemala)es_HN – Spanish (Honduras)es_419 – Spanish (Latin America)es_MX – Spanish (Mexico)es_NI – Spanish (Nicaragua)es_PA – Spanish (Panama)es_PY – Spanish (Paraguay)es_PE – Spanish (Peru)es_PR – Spanish (Puerto Rico)es_ES – Spanish (Spain)es_US – Spanish (United States)es_UY – Spanish (Uruguay)es_VE – Spanish (Venezuela)es – Spanishsw_KE – Swahili (Kenya)sw_TZ – Swahili (Tanzania)sw – Swahilisv_FI – Swedish (Finland)sv_SE – Swedish (Sweden)sv – Swedishgsw_CH – Swiss German (Switzerland)gsw – Swiss Germanshi_Latn – Tachelhit (Latin)shi_Latn_MA – Tachelhit (Latin, Morocco)shi_Tfng – Tachelhit (Tifinagh)shi_Tfng_MA – Tachelhit (Tifinagh, Morocco)shi – Tachelhitdav_KE – Taita (Kenya)dav – Taitata_IN – Tamil (India)ta_LK – Tamil (Sri Lanka)ta – Tamilte_IN – Telugu (India)te – Teluguteo_KE – Teso (Kenya)teo_UG – Teso (Uganda)teo – Tesoth_TH – Thai (Thailand)th – Thaibo_CN – Tibetan (China)bo_IN – Tibetan (India)bo – Tibetanti_ER – Tigrinya (Eritrea)ti_ET – Tigrinya (Ethiopia)ti – Tigrinyato_TO – Tonga (Tonga)to – Tongatr_TR – Turkish (Turkey)tr – Turkishuk_UA – Ukrainian (Ukraine)uk – Ukrainianur_IN – Urdu (India)ur_PK – Urdu (Pakistan)ur – Urduuz_Arab – Uzbek (Arabic)uz_Arab_AF – Uzbek (Arabic, Afghanistan)uz_Cyrl – Uzbek (Cyrillic)uz_Cyrl_UZ – Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)uz_Latn – Uzbek (Latin)uz_Latn_UZ – Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)uz – Uzbekvi_VN – Vietnamese (Vietnam)vi – Vietnamesevun_TZ – Vunjo (Tanzania)vun – Vunjocy_GB – Welsh (United Kingdom)cy – Welshyo_NG – Yoruba (Nigeria)yo – Yorubazu_ZA – Zulu (South Africa)

Common Issues

It shows 403 Forbidden error when accessing the site

That’s because your file manager ignored the .htaccess file, it can happen because cPanel filemanager by default has the option “Show hidden (dotfiles)” disabled. So, always make sure the .htaccess file is present at the very first.

It shows “This page isn’t working”, “Error 500”

This could happen because of numerous reasons, for example if the PHP version doesn’t match, one or more of the required extensions are not enabled. To check what’s causing the error, open the file: src/constants.php file and set the constant DEV_MODE to true, like this: define('DEV_MODE', true);. Alternatively you can check the log files from here: src/var/logs/. And solve the issue according to the error message. If you still can’t figure out the issue or resolve it, please do let me know.

When I save ad-codes or header/footer scripts, it won’t save anything.

Your server has ModSecurity enabled. And it prevents users from submitting codes via POST/GET requests. So, to solve the issue, you will need to disable ModSecurity from your domain. If you can’t do it, you’d need to contact your server/hosting provider to do it for you.


How do I get an Google CSE ID?

To get a Google CSE ID follow these steps:

  • 1. Sign in to your Google account and go to https://cse.google.com/cse/create/new
  • Provide the site domains and URL patterns you want to perform search. You can always change them later. Then click CREATE.

    Creating a new Google Custom Search Engine

  • 2. After the CSE has been created, visit its control panel by clicking the button Control Panel on the next page.
  • 3. On the control panel you’ll find the Google CSE ID. You can copy it and use in the app now.
    Creating a new Google Custom Search Engine

How do I edit site’s styles and templates?

Site templates, styles are located in the site/themes/default folder. You can modify everything from there. Just make sure to keep a copy of the original files.

Why do some feeds don’t work?

Not all feeds can be parsed via SimplePie. There are very few exceptional feeds that can cause problems.

Why some images are not showing from imported content

Some sites don’t allow hotlinking the images, in those cases the images can be broken.

How to change weather widget

Open  weather/widget/main.bundle.js and change on your city.

Support Criteria

Please remember you have purchased a very affordable script and you have not paid for a full-time web development agency. Occasionally we will help with small tweaks, but these requests will be put on a lower priority due to their nature.

Support for our items includes:

  • 1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  • 2. Fixing bugs and reported issues
  • 3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

Item support does not include:

  • 1. Customization services
  • 2. Support for third party software and plug-ins

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Charles Core’, ‘Elementor’ and ‘Piklist’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

Page Building

Create a new page

  1. On the top left side of the WordPress dashboard, click Pages > Add New
  2. Click Edit with Elementor to enter Elementor Page Builder.

The website editing screen is located on the right side. This is your workspace, where you can add sections and templates.

The panel is located on the left side of the screen and contains creative tools called widgets, that allow you to add elements to your page.

Some of the most commonly used widgets include Button, Image, text, and more.

To find a specific widget, use the search field.

Sample doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Sample doc title issues

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Sample Guide

Non aptent facere unde placeat habitant minus numquam, cubilia orci accusantium laoreet vel, illum! Mauris placerat. Nibh fuga, luctus dignissim cursus, exercitationem, viverra ratione similique aut, culpa tellus. Turpis fusce, eos cupiditate, turpis? Pede leo repudiandae, praesent laborum dolore eum consequatur provident ullamco praesent, officia! Ipsam nam auctor repudiandae laoreet diamlorem possimus aptent? Mollis iure laudantium ratione malesuada facilis vivamus nec ullamcorper sapiente pharetra nisl tempora cras doloremque, nihil ligula ut reprehenderit? Eiusmod? Egestas fermentum aliqua, occaecat mollis pulvinar sapien! Ab suscipit morbi rhoncus magnam maxime. Officia facilisis, curae odio, rhoncus egestas iure venenatis quidem! Veritatis magnam commodo magnis qui.

Magnam rutrum pretium inventore ridiculus netus. Ducimus cursus facilis eleifend, congue odit venenatis conubia mi provident exercitationem dictumst aenean vel, eleifend mi lacinia porttitor. Incidunt nisl laoreet, suspendisse nam nemo suspendisse luctus, donec parturient necessitatibus itaque tempora beatae eos non ratione ornare consequat consequat cursus hac deleniti esse natus ridiculus. Ultricies alias, cum sociosqu error praesent, nonummy vero optio, aute, nec natoque! Excepteur, saepe, magnam assumenda non cursus, at sociis, nihil ridiculus! Egestas non omnis, gravida nonummy eligendi? Sapien do totam mollis blandit iure, rerum vestibulum hymenaeos explicabo, purus dolore? Habitant consequatur. Curae incididunt sem minim. Explicabo morbi, corporis. Malesuada.

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image OptimizerCW Image OptimizerImsanity and Hammy and Compress JPEG & PNG images

Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

Sample doc title issues

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example Title Doc

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Creating a Database

First thing you need to do before installing Index24 is to create a new database on your MySQL server. The database must be created under a MySQL user that has full permissions. If you already know how to do this or have already created one you can skip to the next step. But make sure you have noted the following details:

1. Database Name – The one you just created

2. MySQL Host – Usually it defaults to or localhost, but if that doesn’t work you need to contact your hosting provider.

3. MySQL Username – The username of which you’ve created the database.

4. MySQL Password – The password for the MySQL user

Creating MySQL database from standard cPanel. Your scenario may vary.

Title doc

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

How to customize theme using child theme?


You can not only target individual style declarations via the style sheet but also override entire components of the parent theme.

For every theme file present in the parent directory, WordPress will check whether a corresponding file is present in the child theme and if so, use that one instead. This means that a header.php file in the child theme will override its equivalent in the parent folder.

So, if you don’t like something about a page’s layout, just copy the respective file, implement your changes, and upload it to the child theme’s folder. The modifications will then appear in the child theme, while the original file will remain untouched.


We’ve learned that we can overwrite any file in the parent theme by placing a copy in the child theme’s folder and customizing it. However, using files that exist only in the child theme is also possible. Template files are a good example of this.

Let’s say we want to build a full-width page template for our child theme. Our theme does not lend itself to the full-screen presentation, but let’s do it anyway for demonstration purposes, shall we?

To create a full-width page in Chaoz you have to create a custom page template. Let’s start with the page template.

For our custom page template, we simply copy page.php from the parent theme, rename it to page-full-width.php and place it in the Child theme’s root folder.

Sample User Guide

Charles is a creative WordPress theme for saas, software, startup, mobile app, agency, and related products & services. Charles is loaded with tons of features, elements & blocks, options that give its users real flexibility to create a dynamic, professional website in no time. It is 100% responsive and looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.

Getting Started

Before building your site, better take a look at this section.

Theme Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the charles.zip file which is the WordPress theme.

You can install the theme in two ways:

FTP: Extract charles.zip file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

WordPress: Navigate to Appearance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select charles.zip file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.

Demo Import

If you want your site to look like exactly the ‘Charles’ demos then you have to import the demo content successfully.

We integrated the One Click Demo installation feature to ‘Charles’ WordPress theme. You can import all demo content just by a click only.

OneClick Demo Installation Process

  • Install the theme and active it. Then install all required plugins. Make sure all the required plugins are activated.
  • After activating all the required plugins navigate to Appearance > ‘One Click Demo Import’ menu from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If the option data do not import then you have to import it manually. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

The recommended method to import the demo content.

If you failed to import the demo content by one click then you have to follow the below steps to import the demo content manually.  You will get all demo content data with the theme package. You will find the demos in ‘charles>inc/demo{disired-demo-number} this path.

  • Navigate to Tools > Import then install the WordPress plugin and click on the ‘Run Importer’. Upload here the ‘theme_content.xml’ file.
  • Install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to import the demo widgets. Then navigate to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and upload here the ‘widget_data.wie’ file.
  • Now you have to import the Dental Options as like the demo. Navigate to ‘Theme Settings > Backup’. Then copy-paste the backup string here and click on the Import a Backup button. You will find the backup string in the options.txt file.

Required Plugins

After installing the theme you most have to install the ‘Charles Core’, ‘Elementor’ and ‘Piklist’ plugins to import the demo content as well and work the theme correctly.

You will find all required and recommended plugins at Appearance > Install Plugins.

System Requirements

To use Charles you need to have a WordPress 4.0 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.4 or more running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link.

Some more resources from WordPress Codex:

How to (FAQs)

Harum proident? Volutpat sint. Dicta. Eleifend, distinctio placeat nec commodo asperiores posuere fusce illo, adipiscing leo velit ipsum. Mauris enim itaque penatibus, consectetur fermentum, vel temporibus interdum

Updating Your Theme

We are strongly recommended to install “Envato Toolkit” plugin for ease of use. Once necessary plugin installed and activated “Envato Toolkit” menu will be available at your admin side.

Important : If you have missing plugins or having issues to install any of them, all the related could be found under “recommended-plugins” folder within the downloaded package.

User Account Information

To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

Marketplace Username: Enter your Envato marketplace username.

Secret API Key: Enter your Envato marketplace Secret API Key (http://themeforest.net/user/[your-username]/api_keys/edit, Login to your Themeforest account, Settings > API Key)

Backup Information

This plugin will automatically save your theme as a ZIP archive before it does an upgrade. The directory those backups get saved to is wp-content/envato-backups. However, if you’re experiencing problems while attempting to upgrade, it’s likely to be a permissions issue and you may want to manually backup your theme before upgrading. Alternatively, if you don’t want to backup your theme you can check the box below.

Skip Theme Backup: Strongly recommended keep unchecked.

Alternative Way

You can also update the theme by replacing the old theme folder. First go to your theme directory then delete the theme folder and paste the new version of the theme.

How to set site’s favicon

Go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Then Select an image as site icon. It’s recommended to use a .ico image as the site icon (favicon).


How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


How to apply custom CSS code.

You can apply your own custom CSS code on Charles theme. Your custom CSS code will not be lost even if you update the theme.

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

Take a look at the screenshots-

Sample Guide

Non aptent facere unde placeat habitant minus numquam, cubilia orci accusantium laoreet vel, illum! Mauris placerat. Nibh fuga, luctus dignissim cursus, exercitationem, viverra ratione similique aut, culpa tellus. Turpis fusce, eos cupiditate, turpis? Pede leo repudiandae, praesent laborum dolore eum consequatur provident ullamco praesent, officia! Ipsam nam auctor repudiandae laoreet diamlorem possimus aptent? Mollis iure laudantium ratione malesuada facilis vivamus nec ullamcorper sapiente pharetra nisl tempora cras doloremque, nihil ligula ut reprehenderit? Eiusmod? Egestas fermentum aliqua, occaecat mollis pulvinar sapien! Ab suscipit morbi rhoncus magnam maxime. Officia facilisis, curae odio, rhoncus egestas iure venenatis quidem! Veritatis magnam commodo magnis qui.

Magnam rutrum pretium inventore ridiculus netus. Ducimus cursus facilis eleifend, congue odit venenatis conubia mi provident exercitationem dictumst aenean vel, eleifend mi lacinia porttitor. Incidunt nisl laoreet, suspendisse nam nemo suspendisse luctus, donec parturient necessitatibus itaque tempora beatae eos non ratione ornare consequat consequat cursus hac deleniti esse natus ridiculus. Ultricies alias, cum sociosqu error praesent, nonummy vero optio, aute, nec natoque! Excepteur, saepe, magnam assumenda non cursus, at sociis, nihil ridiculus! Egestas non omnis, gravida nonummy eligendi? Sapien do totam mollis blandit iure, rerum vestibulum hymenaeos explicabo, purus dolore? Habitant consequatur. Curae incididunt sem minim. Explicabo morbi, corporis. Malesuada.

Optimize Images

Optimizing your images will helps your WordPress site load faster.

Download and activate WP Smush.it This plugin will optimize every image you upload and you can use the Bulk Smush.it feature to smush all of your uploaded images.

Alternatives to WP Smush.it include EWWW Image OptimizerCW Image OptimizerImsanity and Hammy and Compress JPEG & PNG images

Many WordPress users prefer using these plugins as they do not rely on an external server to process your images.

Language Translations

All of our Themes are able to be translated into any language. The process of translating the theme is a user responsibility. The following instructions are given as guidance.

  1. Open wp-config.php and replace this: define ('WPLANG', ''); with this (substitute the language string (bg_BG) with your own!): define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');
  2. Download and install POEDIT
  3. Connect to your site -> open your theme/languages directory
  4. Download the default.pot file and open it with POEDIT.
  5. Translate file and save it as bg_BG (the file name must match with the string you inserted into wp-config.php)
  6. Two files will be generated after save. bg_BG.pot and bg_BG.mo
  7. Upload the .mo and .pot files into wp-content/themes/your-theme/languages folder
Your WordPress installation should be in the language you intend on using the site.

Sample doc title issues

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example Title Doc

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Theme Settings

Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod fugit, dictumst, optio, parturient auctor pulvinar, inceptos sem. Habitasse! Mattis, litora ipsum, fringilla elementum.

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and set the menu button, navigation bar settings etc.

Theme updating issue

Sometimes, your website may break when you update the new version of the theme.

You have to delete the Charles core plugin before installing the updated theme in this case. Then install the plugin again from Appearance > Install plugins after installing the new version.

Page Building

Create a new page

  1. On the top left side of the WordPress dashboard, click Pages > Add New
  2. Click Edit with Elementor to enter Elementor Page Builder.

The website editing screen is located on the right side. This is your workspace, where you can add sections and templates.

The panel is located on the left side of the screen and contains creative tools called widgets, that allow you to add elements to your page.

Some of the most commonly used widgets include Button, Image, text, and more.

To find a specific widget, use the search field.

Some common issues

We adding here solutions on regarding some common issues.

You may find here your solution. So we request to check here for your issue before asking us.

Voluptatibus massa tempor

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Sample doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

How to customize theme using child theme?


You can not only target individual style declarations via the style sheet but also override entire components of the parent theme.

For every theme file present in the parent directory, WordPress will check whether a corresponding file is present in the child theme and if so, use that one instead. This means that a header.php file in the child theme will override its equivalent in the parent folder.

So, if you don’t like something about a page’s layout, just copy the respective file, implement your changes, and upload it to the child theme’s folder. The modifications will then appear in the child theme, while the original file will remain untouched.


We’ve learned that we can overwrite any file in the parent theme by placing a copy in the child theme’s folder and customizing it. However, using files that exist only in the child theme is also possible. Template files are a good example of this.

Let’s say we want to build a full-width page template for our child theme. Our theme does not lend itself to the full-screen presentation, but let’s do it anyway for demonstration purposes, shall we?

To create a full-width page in Chaoz you have to create a custom page template. Let’s start with the page template.

For our custom page template, we simply copy page.php from the parent theme, rename it to page-full-width.php and place it in the Child theme’s root folder.

Doc title example

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Doc Section

Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod fugit, dictumst, optio, parturient auctor pulvinar, inceptos sem. Habitasse! Mattis, litora ipsum, fringilla elementum.

This is a doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Title doc

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example doc of docly

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

System Requirements

To use Charles you need to have a WordPress 4.0 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.4 or more running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link.

Some more resources from WordPress Codex:

How to Paginate a Post ?

In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:


Theme Settings

Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod fugit, dictumst, optio, parturient auctor pulvinar, inceptos sem. Habitasse! Mattis, litora ipsum, fringilla elementum.

Header Settings

In the Header settings section, you will get a lot of header customization options. In this section, you can change the logo and set the menu button, navigation bar settings etc.

Theme updating issue

Sometimes, your website may break when you update the new version of the theme.

You have to delete the Charles core plugin before installing the updated theme in this case. Then install the plugin again from Appearance > Install plugins after installing the new version.

Page Building

Create a new page

  1. On the top left side of the WordPress dashboard, click Pages > Add New
  2. Click Edit with Elementor to enter Elementor Page Builder.

The website editing screen is located on the right side. This is your workspace, where you can add sections and templates.

The panel is located on the left side of the screen and contains creative tools called widgets, that allow you to add elements to your page.

Some of the most commonly used widgets include Button, Image, text, and more.

To find a specific widget, use the search field.

Doc title example

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example Title Doc

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example doc of docly

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet


Uploading files

To install Index24 scripts, first of all you need to upload the files that are in the `install-file->Index24` folder to your server.

How to upload Index24 Scripts to server?

  • Upload all files & folders located inside `install-file->Index24` folder to your server

Please note that you do not need to upload the `install-file->Index24` folder itself, but only its contents, including folders, as shown below:

  • Open your browser, (Google Chrome is recommended).
  • Go to http://www.your-site.com/install

Customizing the site

You can change the site name, description, logo and other basic information by navigating to: Settings > General from the dashboard.

To customize even more specific features like how many items will be shown and other frontend aspects that directly affect the site you will need to go to: Settings > Site from the dashboard.


Some common issues

We adding here solutions on regarding some common issues.

You may find here your solution. So we request to check here for your issue before asking us.

Voluptatibus massa tempor

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Sample doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

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  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

How to customize theme using child theme?


You can not only target individual style declarations via the style sheet but also override entire components of the parent theme.

For every theme file present in the parent directory, WordPress will check whether a corresponding file is present in the child theme and if so, use that one instead. This means that a header.php file in the child theme will override its equivalent in the parent folder.

So, if you don’t like something about a page’s layout, just copy the respective file, implement your changes, and upload it to the child theme’s folder. The modifications will then appear in the child theme, while the original file will remain untouched.


We’ve learned that we can overwrite any file in the parent theme by placing a copy in the child theme’s folder and customizing it. However, using files that exist only in the child theme is also possible. Template files are a good example of this.

Let’s say we want to build a full-width page template for our child theme. Our theme does not lend itself to the full-screen presentation, but let’s do it anyway for demonstration purposes, shall we?

To create a full-width page in Chaoz you have to create a custom page template. Let’s start with the page template.

For our custom page template, we simply copy page.php from the parent theme, rename it to page-full-width.php and place it in the Child theme’s root folder.

Doc title example

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Manage Engines

To Manage Engines go to Dashboard > Engines

And change the Google Custom Search IDs of the engines to the following new values:

Web – 34eef687ce269487c
Images – 954a56c1e00db57aa
Videos – 530b5e7ca4f8045d4
News – b16521454a1884f6a
Torrents – 6ff7034d0894868ee
Subtitles – 93314d2add702dbab


Adding new Engines

Engines are mainly different Google Custom Search Engines created by you. Index24 already comes with 5 preloaded engines. However, you may add as many engines you want. To add new engine first you will need a Google Custom Search Engine ID.

To add new engines go to Dashboard > Engines and click the Create button.

Doc Section

Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod fugit, dictumst, optio, parturient auctor pulvinar, inceptos sem. Habitasse! Mattis, litora ipsum, fringilla elementum.

This is a doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

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  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example doc title

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Title doc

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Example doc of docly

What is an Extension?

For editing menu navigation settings go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header . So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

Tooltip text  mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. Tooltip Content  off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Manage Feeds

To add new engines go to Dashboard > Content > Feeds and click the Create button.

How to apply custom CSS code.

You can apply your own custom CSS code on Charles theme. Your custom CSS code will not be lost even if you update the theme.

Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

Take a look at the screenshots-

Google AdSense Monetization

Earn money from your site

Millions of advertisers compete for your ad space. That means more money, more relevant ads, and more ad spaces filled.

Ads optimized for mobile

Our script can optimize the size of your ad units to automatically fit desktop or mobile, meaning there’s more chance they’ll be seen and clicked.

Add Code

Add one piece of code to your site and Google will automatically show ads tailored to your site’s layout, saving you time making changes to ad code.

To add code from google AdSense or other ads units provider go to Dashboard > Settings > Advertisement and insert AdCode.

Setting up cron-job

Important: You must setup the cron-job, otherwise Index24 won’t work properly. The automatic time based tasks won’t work either.

To setup the cron job first you will need to get the cron command from the dashboard by going to Settings > Debugging. Once you have the cron command copy it and setup the cron job from your cPanel.


Note: If you re-generate the cron-token from the debugging page, you will need to update your cron command again from the cPanel. Since, regenerating the cron token will make the previous command invalid.



Language files should be and are located at site/themes/default/languages folder.

To create a new translation, copy existing translation file, and use these locale name create your own locale file. For example for English(UK), create a new directory named “en_UK”, copy the en_US.php file and paste on the “en_UK” folder and rename as “en_UK.php”, then start editing. Please note if you don’t use the locale name given here for the locale directory/file name, it won’t work.

So basically translation files should look like this: (Case sensitive)

  • <LOCALE>/<LOCALE>.php
  • en_US/en_US.php
  • bn_BD/bn_BD.php

Supported Locales

af_NA – Afrikaans (Namibia)af_ZA – Afrikaans (South Africa)af – Afrikaansak_GH – Akan (Ghana)ak – Akansq_AL – Albanian (Albania)sq – Albanianam_ET – Amharic (Ethiopia)am – Amharicar_DZ – Arabic (Algeria)ar_BH – Arabic (Bahrain)ar_EG – Arabic (Egypt)ar_IQ – Arabic (Iraq)ar_JO – Arabic (Jordan)ar_KW – Arabic (Kuwait)ar_LB – Arabic (Lebanon)ar_LY – Arabic (Libya)ar_MA – Arabic (Morocco)ar_OM – Arabic (Oman)ar_QA – Arabic (Qatar)ar_SA – Arabic (Saudi Arabia)ar_SD – Arabic (Sudan)ar_SY – Arabic (Syria)ar_TN – Arabic (Tunisia)ar_AE – Arabic (United Arab Emirates)ar_YE – Arabic (Yemen)ar – Arabichy_AM – Armenian (Armenia)hy – Armenianas_IN – Assamese (India)as – Assameseasa_TZ – Asu (Tanzania)asa – Asuaz_Cyrl – Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)az_Cyrl_AZ – Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)az_Latn – Azerbaijani (Latin)az_Latn_AZ – Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)az – Azerbaijanibm_ML – Bambara (Mali)bm – Bambaraeu_ES – Basque (Spain)eu – Basquebe_BY – Belarusian (Belarus)be – Belarusianbem_ZM – Bemba (Zambia)bem – Bembabez_TZ – Bena (Tanzania)bez – Benabn_BD – Bengali (Bangladesh)bn_IN – Bengali (India)bn – Bengalibs_BA – Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)bs – Bosnianbg_BG – Bulgarian (Bulgaria)bg – Bulgarianmy_MM – Burmese (Myanmar [Burma])my – Burmeseyue_Hant_HK – Cantonese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR China)ca_ES – Catalan (Spain)ca – Catalantzm_Latn – Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin)tzm_Latn_MA – Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin, Morocco)tzm – Central Morocco Tamazightchr_US – Cherokee (United States)chr – Cherokeecgg_UG – Chiga (Uganda)cgg – Chigazh_Hans – Chinese (Simplified Han)zh_Hans_CN – Chinese (Simplified Han, China)zh_Hans_HK – Chinese (Simplified Han, Hong Kong SAR China)zh_Hans_MO – Chinese (Simplified Han, Macau SAR China)zh_Hans_SG – Chinese (Simplified Han, Singapore)zh_Hant – Chinese (Traditional Han)zh_Hant_HK – Chinese (Traditional Han, Hong Kong SAR China)zh_Hant_MO – Chinese (Traditional Han, Macau SAR China)zh_Hant_TW – Chinese (Traditional Han, Taiwan)zh – Chinesekw_GB – Cornish (United Kingdom)kw – Cornishhr_HR – Croatian (Croatia)hr – Croatiancs_CZ – Czech (Czech Republic)cs – Czechda_DK – Danish (Denmark)da – Danishnl_BE – Dutch (Belgium)nl_NL – Dutch (Netherlands)nl – Dutchebu_KE – Embu (Kenya)ebu – Embuen_AS – English (American Samoa)en_AU – English (Australia)en_BE – English (Belgium)en_BZ – English (Belize)en_BW – English (Botswana)en_CA – English (Canada)en_GU – English (Guam)en_HK – English (Hong Kong SAR China)en_IN – English (India)en_IE – English (Ireland)en_IL – English (Israel)en_JM – English (Jamaica)en_MT – English (Malta)en_MH – English (Marshall Islands)en_MU – English (Mauritius)en_NA – English (Namibia)en_NZ – English (New Zealand)en_MP – English (Northern Mariana Islands)en_PK – English (Pakistan)en_PH – English (Philippines)en_SG – English (Singapore)en_ZA – English (South Africa)en_TT – English (Trinidad and Tobago)en_UM – English (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands)en_VI – English (U.S. Virgin Islands)en_GB – English (United Kingdom)en_US – English (United States)en_ZW – English (Zimbabwe)en – Englisheo – Esperantoet_EE – Estonian (Estonia)et – Estonianee_GH – Ewe (Ghana)ee_TG – Ewe (Togo)ee – Ewefo_FO – Faroese (Faroe Islands)fo – Faroesefil_PH – Filipino (Philippines)fil – Filipinofi_FI – Finnish (Finland)fi – Finnishfr_BE – French (Belgium)fr_BJ – French (Benin)fr_BF – French (Burkina Faso)fr_BI – French (Burundi)fr_CM – French (Cameroon)fr_CA – French (Canada)fr_CF – French (Central African Republic)fr_TD – French (Chad)fr_KM – French (Comoros)fr_CG – French (Congo – Brazzaville)fr_CD – French (Congo – Kinshasa)fr_CI – French (Côte d’Ivoire)fr_DJ – French (Djibouti)fr_GQ – French (Equatorial Guinea)fr_FR – French (France)fr_GA – French (Gabon)fr_GP – French (Guadeloupe)fr_GN – French (Guinea)fr_LU – French (Luxembourg)fr_MG – French (Madagascar)fr_ML – French (Mali)fr_MQ – French (Martinique)fr_MC – French (Monaco)fr_NE – French (Niger)fr_RW – French (Rwanda)fr_RE – French (Réunion)fr_BL – French (Saint Barthélemy)fr_MF – French (Saint Martin)fr_SN – French (Senegal)fr_CH – French (Switzerland)fr_TG – French (Togo)fr – Frenchff_SN – Fulah (Senegal)ff – Fulahgl_ES – Galician (Spain)gl – Galicianlg_UG – Ganda (Uganda)lg – Gandaka_GE – Georgian (Georgia)ka – Georgiande_AT – German (Austria)de_BE – German (Belgium)de_DE – German (Germany)de_LI – German (Liechtenstein)de_LU – German (Luxembourg)de_CH – German (Switzerland)de – Germanel_CY – Greek (Cyprus)el_GR – Greek (Greece)el – Greekgu_IN – Gujarati (India)gu – Gujaratiguz_KE – Gusii (Kenya)guz – Gusiiha_Latn – Hausa (Latin)ha_Latn_GH – Hausa (Latin, Ghana)ha_Latn_NE – Hausa (Latin, Niger)ha_Latn_NG – Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)ha – Hausahaw_US – Hawaiian (United States)haw – Hawaiianhe_IL – Hebrew (Israel)he – Hebrewhi_IN – Hindi (India)hi – Hindihu_HU – Hungarian (Hungary)hu – Hungarianis_IS – Icelandic (Iceland)is – Icelandicig_NG – Igbo (Nigeria)ig – Igboid_ID – Indonesian (Indonesia)id – Indonesianga_IE – Irish (Ireland)ga – Irishit_IT – Italian (Italy)it_CH – Italian (Switzerland)it – Italianja_JP – Japanese (Japan)ja – Japanesekea_CV – Kabuverdianu (Cape Verde)kea – Kabuverdianukab_DZ – Kabyle (Algeria)kab – Kabylekl_GL – Kalaallisut (Greenland)kl – Kalaallisutkln_KE – Kalenjin (Kenya)kln – Kalenjinkam_KE – Kamba (Kenya)kam – Kambakn_IN – Kannada (India)kn – Kannadakk_Cyrl – Kazakh (Cyrillic)kk_Cyrl_KZ – Kazakh (Cyrillic, Kazakhstan)kk – Kazakhkm_KH – Khmer (Cambodia)km – Khmerki_KE – Kikuyu (Kenya)ki – Kikuyurw_RW – Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)rw – Kinyarwandakok_IN – Konkani (India)kok – Konkaniko_KR – Korean (South Korea)ko – Koreankhq_ML – Koyra Chiini (Mali)khq – Koyra Chiinises_ML – Koyraboro Senni (Mali)ses – Koyraboro Sennilag_TZ – Langi (Tanzania)lag – Langilv_LV – Latvian (Latvia)lv – Latvianlt_LT – Lithuanian (Lithuania)lt – Lithuanianluo_KE – Luo (Kenya)luo – Luoluy_KE – Luyia (Kenya)luy – Luyiamk_MK – Macedonian (Macedonia)mk – Macedonianjmc_TZ – Machame (Tanzania)jmc – Machamekde_TZ – Makonde (Tanzania)kde – Makondemg_MG – Malagasy (Madagascar)mg – Malagasyms_BN – Malay (Brunei)ms_MY – Malay (Malaysia)ms – Malayml_IN – Malayalam (India)ml – Malayalammt_MT – Maltese (Malta)mt – Maltesegv_GB – Manx (United Kingdom)gv – Manxmr_IN – Marathi (India)mr – Marathimas_KE – Masai (Kenya)mas_TZ – Masai (Tanzania)mas – Masaimer_KE – Meru (Kenya)mer – Merumfe_MU – Morisyen (Mauritius)mfe – Morisyennaq_NA – Nama (Namibia)naq – Namane_IN – Nepali (India)ne_NP – Nepali (Nepal)ne – Nepalind_ZW – North Ndebele (Zimbabwe)nd – North Ndebelenb_NO – Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)nb – Norwegian Bokmålnn_NO – Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)nn – Norwegian Nynorsknyn_UG – Nyankole (Uganda)nyn – Nyankoleor_IN – Oriya (India)or – Oriyaom_ET – Oromo (Ethiopia)om_KE – Oromo (Kenya)om – Oromops_AF – Pashto (Afghanistan)ps – Pashtofa_AF – Persian (Afghanistan)fa_IR – Persian (Iran)fa – Persianpl_PL – Polish (Poland)pl – Polishpt_BR – Portuguese (Brazil)pt_GW – Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau)pt_MZ – Portuguese (Mozambique)pt_PT – Portuguese (Portugal)pt – Portuguesepa_Arab – Punjabi (Arabic)pa_Arab_PK – Punjabi (Arabic, Pakistan)pa_Guru – Punjabi (Gurmukhi)pa_Guru_IN – Punjabi (Gurmukhi, India)pa – Punjabiro_MD – Romanian (Moldova)ro_RO – Romanian (Romania)ro – Romanianrm_CH – Romansh (Switzerland)rm – Romanshrof_TZ – Rombo (Tanzania)rof – Romboru_MD – Russian (Moldova)ru_RU – Russian (Russia)ru_UA – Russian (Ukraine)ru – Russianrwk_TZ – Rwa (Tanzania)rwk – Rwasaq_KE – Samburu (Kenya)saq – Samburusg_CF – Sango (Central African Republic)sg – Sangoseh_MZ – Sena (Mozambique)seh – Senasr_Cyrl – Serbian (Cyrillic)sr_Cyrl_BA – Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)sr_Cyrl_ME – Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)sr_Cyrl_RS – Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)sr_Latn – Serbian (Latin)sr_Latn_BA – Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)sr_Latn_ME – Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)sr_Latn_RS – Serbian (Latin, Serbia)sr – Serbiansn_ZW – Shona (Zimbabwe)sn – Shonaii_CN – Sichuan Yi (China)ii – Sichuan Yisi_LK – Sinhala (Sri Lanka)si – Sinhalask_SK – Slovak (Slovakia)sk – Slovaksl_SI – Slovenian (Slovenia)sl – Slovenianxog_UG – Soga (Uganda)xog – Sogaso_DJ – Somali (Djibouti)so_ET – Somali (Ethiopia)so_KE – Somali (Kenya)so_SO – Somali (Somalia)so – Somalies_AR – Spanish (Argentina)es_BO – Spanish (Bolivia)es_CL – Spanish (Chile)es_CO – Spanish (Colombia)es_CR – Spanish (Costa Rica)es_DO – Spanish (Dominican Republic)es_EC – Spanish (Ecuador)es_SV – Spanish (El Salvador)es_GQ – Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)es_GT – Spanish (Guatemala)es_HN – Spanish (Honduras)es_419 – Spanish (Latin America)es_MX – Spanish (Mexico)es_NI – Spanish (Nicaragua)es_PA – Spanish (Panama)es_PY – Spanish (Paraguay)es_PE – Spanish (Peru)es_PR – Spanish (Puerto Rico)es_ES – Spanish (Spain)es_US – Spanish (United States)es_UY – Spanish (Uruguay)es_VE – Spanish (Venezuela)es – Spanishsw_KE – Swahili (Kenya)sw_TZ – Swahili (Tanzania)sw – Swahilisv_FI – Swedish (Finland)sv_SE – Swedish (Sweden)sv – Swedishgsw_CH – Swiss German (Switzerland)gsw – Swiss Germanshi_Latn – Tachelhit (Latin)shi_Latn_MA – Tachelhit (Latin, Morocco)shi_Tfng – Tachelhit (Tifinagh)shi_Tfng_MA – Tachelhit (Tifinagh, Morocco)shi – Tachelhitdav_KE – Taita (Kenya)dav – Taitata_IN – Tamil (India)ta_LK – Tamil (Sri Lanka)ta – Tamilte_IN – Telugu (India)te – Teluguteo_KE – Teso (Kenya)teo_UG – Teso (Uganda)teo – Tesoth_TH – Thai (Thailand)th – Thaibo_CN – Tibetan (China)bo_IN – Tibetan (India)bo – Tibetanti_ER – Tigrinya (Eritrea)ti_ET – Tigrinya (Ethiopia)ti – Tigrinyato_TO – Tonga (Tonga)to – Tongatr_TR – Turkish (Turkey)tr – Turkishuk_UA – Ukrainian (Ukraine)uk – Ukrainianur_IN – Urdu (India)ur_PK – Urdu (Pakistan)ur – Urduuz_Arab – Uzbek (Arabic)uz_Arab_AF – Uzbek (Arabic, Afghanistan)uz_Cyrl – Uzbek (Cyrillic)uz_Cyrl_UZ – Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)uz_Latn – Uzbek (Latin)uz_Latn_UZ – Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)uz – Uzbekvi_VN – Vietnamese (Vietnam)vi – Vietnamesevun_TZ – Vunjo (Tanzania)vun – Vunjocy_GB – Welsh (United Kingdom)cy – Welshyo_NG – Yoruba (Nigeria)yo – Yorubazu_ZA – Zulu (South Africa)

Common Issues

It shows 403 Forbidden error when accessing the site

That’s because your file manager ignored the .htaccess file, it can happen because cPanel filemanager by default has the option “Show hidden (dotfiles)” disabled. So, always make sure the .htaccess file is present at the very first.

It shows “This page isn’t working”, “Error 500”

This could happen because of numerous reasons, for example if the PHP version doesn’t match, one or more of the required extensions are not enabled. To check what’s causing the error, open the file: src/constants.php file and set the constant DEV_MODE to true, like this: define('DEV_MODE', true);. Alternatively you can check the log files from here: src/var/logs/. And solve the issue according to the error message. If you still can’t figure out the issue or resolve it, please do let me know.

When I save ad-codes or header/footer scripts, it won’t save anything.

Your server has ModSecurity enabled. And it prevents users from submitting codes via POST/GET requests. So, to solve the issue, you will need to disable ModSecurity from your domain. If you can’t do it, you’d need to contact your server/hosting provider to do it for you.


How do I get an Google CSE ID?

To get a Google CSE ID follow these steps:

  • 1. Sign in to your Google account and go to https://cse.google.com/cse/create/new
  • Provide the site domains and URL patterns you want to perform search. You can always change them later. Then click CREATE.

    Creating a new Google Custom Search Engine

  • 2. After the CSE has been created, visit its control panel by clicking the button Control Panel on the next page.
  • 3. On the control panel you’ll find the Google CSE ID. You can copy it and use in the app now.
    Creating a new Google Custom Search Engine

How do I edit site’s styles and templates?

Site templates, styles are located in the site/themes/default folder. You can modify everything from there. Just make sure to keep a copy of the original files.

Why do some feeds don’t work?

Not all feeds can be parsed via SimplePie. There are very few exceptional feeds that can cause problems.

Why some images are not showing from imported content

Some sites don’t allow hotlinking the images, in those cases the images can be broken.

How to change weather widget

Open  weather/widget/main.bundle.js and change on your city.

Support Criteria

Please remember you have purchased a very affordable script and you have not paid for a full-time web development agency. Occasionally we will help with small tweaks, but these requests will be put on a lower priority due to their nature.

Support for our items includes:

  • 1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  • 2. Fixing bugs and reported issues
  • 3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

Item support does not include:

  • 1. Customization services
  • 2. Support for third party software and plug-ins